Short Lead Time

Our shutters are made in the UK, meaning we can fit them quicker.

Stunning Design

An unrivaled build quality and design.


Highly desirable in any home. A must have!

Any Window

We’re able to fit our shutters to any type of window.

Made to Measure

Our advisors will initially measure your window and provide you with a quote. If you’re good to go, we’ll then do a in-depth measure to ensure that we get the best possible fit for your window. We will then send your measurements off for manufacturing. We will ensure your new shutters fit perfectly in your window.

Various Colours

We have a whole range of different colours that you can choose from. Your advisor will have all the samples, so you can get a perfect colour match for your room. From the standard white to our more natural colours, these shutters really compliment every window and look great from both inside and outside.

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Sustainable Sources

We carefully select the suppliers we purchase all our materials from, especially our shutters. We look at two main factors, build quality and how sustainable the material that is used to make them is. Our shutters are all made from the finest quality material and are 100% sustainable and FSC accredited.

Are they expensive?

Because of the craftsmanship that goes into making and fitting a shutter, the price is more expensive then other types of window coverings. However, years ago shutters were thought of, “If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford them”, these days prices have significantly reduced and have become much more affordable.

Plantation Shutter Pricing

Download a Brochure

Get some inspiration and see what is possible with Plantation Shutters.  Please download the brochure.

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